葡京平台线上提供广泛的奖学金和助学金,以表彰在各个领域取得成就的学生. 非盟奖学金和助学金适用于全日制学生, 本科生支付综合学费,并寻求他们的第一个学士学位. AU scholarships and grants are only available during the fall and spring semesters and are limited to standard direct costs paid to the university. 学生在夏季课程期间可能有资格获得联邦或州助学金.



Ashland University is pleased to offer generous academic scholarships to first-year and transfer students who qualify. Academic scholarships are determined by reviewing a student's prior academic performance from their high school or prior college transcripts. 8月1日前可以更新成绩(春季学期12月1日). Students accepted after August 1 will have their eligibility based on their academic scores at the time of admission.


考试成绩补助金颁发给一年级学生, 全日制学生收取非盟综合学费. 我们也接受SAT和CLT成绩作为奖学金的考虑因素. 使用 SAT分数转换 or CLT分数转换 看看你的SAT/CLT成绩是否符合考试成就补助金的要求!

行为得分 更新的绩点
25 – 29 $1,000 2.00
30+ $2,000 2.00





葡京平台线上是你终身学习的目的地. Students who earned a bachelor's degree or those who have already earned a graduate degree at AU are eligible for this scholarship to continue in a graduate program or certificate. Full time students will receive a 15% tuition discount and part time students will receive a 10% tuition discount. 此折扣不能与其他学费折扣合并使用.


Siblings simultaneously enrolled at AU and both living on campus may receive 50% off their dorm housing costs. Students may continue to receive this scholarship until they graduate regardless of when their sibling graduates. 如果兄弟姐妹住在校园里,该奖学金可以续期, 是全日制学生吗?, 保持2.每学年结束时,累积GPA达到5分. This scholarship was implemented to assist with the removal of the “number in college” factor in the 学生资助指数(SAI) formula.


在申请AU之前, 申请入学的非盟本科生将获得500美元的奖学金. 在入学申请过程中必须提到推荐信. 学生必须是全日制学生,并支付澳大的综合学费才有资格. 此奖学金可续期四年.


First-time freshmen who are graduates of a 爪 Track partner high school (currently Ashland or Mapleton High Schools) may be awarded a scholarship as follows:

  • 1000美元的学费
  • $1,000只适用于校内住宿

学生必须在澳大全日制注册,并收取综合学费. 的 爪 Track scholarship is "stacked" on top of other awarded AU academic scholarships not to surpass total charged tuition and renewed annually if the student maintains a minimum 3.累积绩点.
